I'm here at work...looking out the window...I'm tired!
And it's not because I didn't get enough sleep...it's just that this weather drains all my energy...and I would rather be sleeping, then being here.
I've had a busy morning already...and there's so much left to do!
1) Read and answer Fed Ex Case Study
2) Finish project and type it all up.
3) Conduct interviews for class between today and next Monday.
4) Work on Castle research
5) Work on Scroll
6) Study for MGMT midterm
7) Do COMM homework
8) Book room for Birka (or figure out who I can share a room with!)
9) GO TO GYM TODAY!!!! Yoga class at 4:30pm!
10) Fill up my scribal blog with scrolls and documentation (which involves looking for the original write up etc...and in this process is helping me organize my scroll count from this past year!)
And...well I have a ton more things on my To Do List, but these are the most important ones at the moment.
Hope everyone has a great day.
Good luck with surgery tomorrow Michel! Love ya!!