Monday, December 24, 2007

Guitar Hero 3

Enough said...


Maybe not, if you don't know what that is.

It is an AWESOME video game where you rock it on and electric guitar...battle against rock stars and just have fun...I am infatuated...played about 24 hours over the weekend...and just bought it TODAY! I got the last game in Circuit City!!! All the other places I went to sold I was VERY LUCKY! I can't wait to go home and play it =)

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

and my family!!!

me and some co-workers...


I'm done!

Done with school for the semester!

Done with all my Christmas shopping!

Back to the gym regularly...
get some projects finished...
catch up on some movies and books...

I'm so giddy I don't know what to do with myself!!!

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Monday, December 17, 2007

happiness...makes the world go 'round!

Hi everyone!

I know it's been forever since I've been on regularly! But I am FINALLY done with school for the semester! I just emailed my last paper to my Professor...which should have been around 20 pages and clocked in at 40! There was an imense amount of information that had been condensed significantly already...but it was comepleted as concisely as possible and for us...was 40 pages. Ah well!

On another note, I also had a fabu weekend with my new beau. He picked me up on Friday night...we went to Bennigan's by my house and met us with some of his friends (some I knew and some new ones)...had a few...did some karaoke...then we went to a place in White Plains...forgot the name of it, but it was FUN. There was a really good DJ there and I ended up dancing the night away with G. When we left there, we got pizza at 3am! I haven't been out that late in the longest! And let me tell you...there wasn't even any time to sleep in! I was up at 9:30am? G had todo some errands before we left for the city. We met some other friends in the City to go see "I am Legend" (which was enjoyable, but the ending was a bit weak). We actually drove into the city (G has free parking for work so I was able to put my car in his lot) and then we went to "Lucky Burger" on 52 st b/t 8th and 9th Ave. Actually, Rob and JK were meeting us there...and we hooked up with G's friends Rob (director Rob not to be confused with Rob Mignone (Games Club Rob)) his wife Crystal and their friend Shack. Movie Director Rob is having G play a part in his next movie, which I believe filming is suppose to take place in Jan 2008. So we all sat around...ate awesome burgers and onion rings and then went to the movie theater in Union Square. Bought tix for the 5pm show then went to El Canterina for drinks (we got to the theater to buy tix at 3:30pm)...

Then after the movie we drove up to my friend's C&C chirstmas party. It was a good time had by all. Food, friends...and 3 types of chocolate brownies (mine won btw...toffee brownies ROCK!) =)

Sunday was spent finishing up my paper...G came over and used my laundry facilities in the basement...which was interesting since I haven't done laundry in my basement in 2 years (easily) and they put in new machines and a special card reader...anyway we figured it out and it all worked out. G helped me clean off my car...from the snow Saturday night/Sunday morning...then I helped him get his car (which was stuck in ice)...but we managed it get it out...I drove the Firebird while he pushed! Then...I went to my parent's house...had dinner...watched a little TV...then off to bed.

All in all I had an AWESOME weekend!

Looking forward to more weekends like this in the future!

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Friday, December 14, 2007


Need a Snow Day?

This is cool...try it out.

I made a few...check them out...


Happy Holidays and TGIF =)

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Sunday, December 09, 2007

A new leaf? Or turning over an old one?

Life throws unexpected twists in your path so you never know what's going to happen! Life is hectic, wondrous, crazy, just is. And I've learned that you just have to make the best with what you have. is still kicking my butt, but I'm almost done! The light at the end of the tunnel is near...not so close that I can reach it just yet...but soon...

Deep breathe...

And recently...someone new came into my life...well I've known them for a while, but not in this capacity, and it is wonderful =) I'm taking one day at a time and see where it takes me! I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, so even in things don't work out with past relationships...they happened for a reason and you just have to enjoy what has passed and learn from it.

So here I am...can't wait!!!

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